pexels-photo-374694 - yogaWhen we lived in Australia, they had a Health and Wellness month towards the end of winter. The school I taught at, Catholic College Bendigo, decided to offer free yoga lessons to all staff for 6 weeks.  The deal included any family members at a cost of $5 per lesson.  Tough to pass up, but a surprisingly small amount of staff took up the offer.

My daughter and husband did decide to join me in the afterschool sessions though.  We had our own private, or should I say corporate, instructor.  The class started off with a group of about 15 but as the weeks went on, we barely had 5 attendees.

This was my first experience with practicing yoga on a regular basis.  Clearly it left an impression on my daughter, as she took up yoga and has had a regular practice for over 5 yrs!

Thus it was that she asked me to join her for a 90 minute morning yoga session during my last visit to Ottawa.  Are you kidding me?? I haven’t done any kind of regular exercise for years, let alone twist myself into a pretzel for more than 15 minutes. Don’t worry she said! This is Yin Yoga.

Continued reading this story at Fraser Valley Lifestyle Magazine.